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[英文] steal是什么意思

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) B) ?/ _6 H0 }; l  m  n5 S

, X* R# f' k. f  steal作名词的意思:! l' T$ Z& O$ x( B9 A
  偷窃;便宜货;便宜货3 d  g- c# `/ e& _( h8 e6 w: w
- y9 C8 d% ]$ G1 v4 S& S  偷;悄悄地做,悄悄地走;潜行;不正当的获得, i) ~  z1 L- d( i5 o3 u/ t
9 U; L' K) x/ i! H$ r5 @0 h  英 [sti:l] 美 [stil]4 X4 F& s0 g- c  \1 ~
  steal的时态:6 z# ?6 p* v. G0 c& e
  现在分词: stealing- Z& U3 g4 d- L4 ~) O$ |
  过去式: stole
! b" h8 j( Z+ L  @+ q% p  过去分词: stolen
- Y3 u/ P# t8 M6 n2 z5 u  steal的英语例句:
' Z2 v# E' `5 a7 W  1. They can steal away at night and join us.
" i" |$ T# v% q  他们可以晚上偷偷溜出来和我们碰面。. K, l$ G, q( c2 @# H# q
  2. People who are drug addicts come in and steal.4 t5 R% e# ]# `( Q1 r
  瘾君子会进来偷东西。  ^9 Z7 v4 q0 Q" T5 i$ A& F) c
  3. During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.8 P# e% Z+ N% B& b  s
' X9 B0 ?* @( H" Q0 [! ~  4. He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun.8 o9 M. w' ^" E2 V
: w7 R, c& |) b# V- \2 ]  5. The eighth commandment is "Thou shalt not steal".
6 U; d/ a8 Z) @, @& S  第八诫是“不可偷盗”。* K( p) m2 T( Q, Z" p, Q* _" ?
  6. What were you thinking of? You shouldn't steal.3 r: ^% ]* E5 j* z! [1 q; ^2 n
! r: {* U- I- K. W7 m  7. At only £3.50, this champagne is a steal.
+ k+ b  i, |4 ]- \  这瓶香槟酒只卖3.50英镑,太便宜了。0 {4 f; B8 u& A2 S4 d0 {
  8. It's immoral to steal.  P1 E; ]" l% R$ V, N" [
/ {$ O0 U3 X4 J- @& B: I  9. The thief was perceived to steal into the house.5 m/ Q( l3 u0 _7 n: o
; X3 E$ o; {0 ^' V  10. I didn't steal these jewels — they've been planted on me.
5 x: {+ G! f( Z6 u  我没有偷珠宝,是他们栽赃给我的.
9 w* h( s" B2 D  11. He managed to steal a kiss from the girl.
4 i) b% S1 v2 m8 l  他冷不防吻了那姑娘一下.' G5 U8 z5 o( W% q8 s5 x
  12. In his confession the thief incriminated two others who helped him steal.
% _6 Z+ G2 v( i( G8 P4 H  这个盗窃犯在供词中牵连了另外两个协助他偷窃的人.
2 H1 \) j! P) p: Q/ G" c1 N0 K  13. He planned to steal the money, but his schemes were discovered.7 c$ k! {9 F+ o( @6 D. e; Z
  他打算去偷那笔钱, 但他的诡计被揭穿了., T5 o; @0 L: y8 @8 ?7 S& n0 R- A
  14. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before —— especially in large shops.1 P2 C. J% t# r5 q2 q
  偷窃的诱惑力超过以往任何时候——尤其是在大商店里.  f) {, C. a* p0 U5 G
  15. It is wrong to steal.
: `* Q4 [/ U% I/ O: G( A  偷窃是不道德的.
4 m$ R6 \7 p$ T. W+ M# k& r
5 ^& _& p- V+ l! M+ J5 q& t


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