- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
* T" U% e& ] c+ Q# A; d ]; ], M! v! i- ]% }* t$ H
urge作名词的意思:) U/ n3 C+ m4 e+ M3 t( x
; x/ T2 u: @/ F6 f% |( R. D9 t0 o/ F urge作动词的意思:
" }# K7 V- E0 c1 Z 催促;强烈要求,竭力主张
2 Y% ^2 }! T' w& } urge的英语音标:
% Y) u& e7 i7 W% O 英 [ə:dʒ] 美 [ɚdʒ]
5 z/ m* A! c1 y urge的时态:
6 E$ O8 r1 _- A6 F7 J* t 现在分词: urging
I8 y& h' [. ]+ m/ @& _ 过去式: urged
" G: b0 O: }) N! J# G7 x 过去分词: urged
( U1 B: ]' X# J! k& g urge的英语例句:
6 I( S1 C, t4 {' t7 I# j8 T* D0 T 1. He had an urge to open a shop of his own.
2 B! M3 ?* k. M' Z* _ 他很想自己开一家店。; G* N# ]7 R, m$ U1 m. i
2. He denounces people who urge him to alter his ways.( A" k3 m$ {9 b
他指责那些督促他改变习惯的人。 ~$ K; E2 X/ {6 t
3. Once inside her apartment she felt an urge to brush her teeth.
& ]# Y! M* g+ z. O$ x% x2 q 一回到自己的公寓,她就有一种想要刷牙的冲动。! i# r6 ?9 ^4 \9 R
4. Tsvetayeva was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.
+ w. z1 y1 F& G/ k( H( @ 茨维塔耶娃内心有一种想要离开莫斯科的狂热冲动。* ^# M+ D" N: K+ a
5. We urge colleges and universities to demystify the selection process.. }6 J/ o Q {0 ~- E6 W' b
我们敦促各学院和大学澄清其甄选学生的过程。$ o4 {1 T5 ?- C9 {
6. At school he played bass in a pop group called The Urge.
8 A* u/ f( h: z; u 他上学的时候在一个叫“冲动”的流行乐队中担任贝司手。$ M- L& y; U5 k4 p0 v
7. He continued to urge the Conservative Party to tilt rightwards.
# v- u7 Z$ m! @ 他继续力劝保守党要进一步右倾。
% N' i- ^( o3 a3 f9 e 8. We urge vigorous action to be taken immediately.
, O# K. b* D+ k; i 我们强烈要求立即采取有力措施。
& ^& l+ }- v$ _" M' u: Q 9. The urge to fast-forward is almost irresistible.) j8 V/ G2 d# e( H+ H% W/ B8 |5 S* H
快速进带的冲动几乎压制不住。: x* @, E4 I) I) ?, z* u' V
10. I desperately fought the urge to giggle.9 H$ o" \& w' V: S
我拼命地想忍住笑。- [" H5 |: d; M0 f- y
11. I felt an irresistible urge to laugh.: [( m) e& G% @9 U
. | W8 ?% f9 T- R 12. I had an uncontrollable urge to laugh.
5 q2 [2 M h0 _9 y9 O6 K( s 我忍不住想笑。0 j0 C$ Y5 h& Q/ ^ ], ^
13. What can we do to urge these lazy workers to greater production?- _3 @- G. g) c& l% R
我们怎样才能鼓励这些懒惰的工人去努力增产 呢 ?
7 K9 ]# O7 I: H4 z/ u* X4 x) S 14. He has an urge to become a film star." f' M& {8 j4 _! j& i& l2 k
" N( p$ j$ M# a4 P 15. You must urge the children on or we'll never get home.1 }" W8 e9 C) G* J9 g
9 L7 Z3 ^1 [, ], r) q7 V7 o, I
# ^. r% A7 l# J0 W |