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- 2007-1-20
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- 1970-1-1
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brave近义词: bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless2 L/ b" N9 M1 \: z; [' D; g
brave近义词辨析: W! \) ]+ x, Q( @
这些形容词均含有"勇敢的"之意。# ?5 E& u5 ^% k" A6 N$ i0 d# k. N
bold 侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。
+ R4 ^+ K( G* `6 |# V6 ^# o brave 含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。4 @8 |9 T! i6 e* ~" p
courageous 正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。0 d6 H4 ~7 ^( a; b. o
daring 强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。" R- N: ]2 |# d) A" p6 G# L* I
heroic 正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。9 L: \1 _6 W, }7 p0 r" g3 l
fearless 语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。
5 R. V8 s( w( |; r- r brave的英语例句:
1 o8 j) ? k( V/ {3 F 1. Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral.
1 o" X( j* q9 ?/ q8 R! G! E 由于拿不出东西作为抵押,这里大部分人无法从银行贷款。
, r+ @! {: w7 Z3 H* C 2. Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.5 @ P9 X7 s8 \% Z# q. W
投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。$ N0 p- B5 I. [
3. "Why don't you borrow your sister's car?" said Cassandra stiffly.9 | J* k1 n$ a4 {+ ]3 p
“你为什么不借用你姐姐的车呢?”卡桑德拉生硬地说道。5 N4 y: g. M% `* a9 v/ O
4. Can I borrow a pen please? .
" M: O' E: C! ~0 I, g* S# V" ^; } 我可以借支笔吗?
$ z9 s, v* L% m( q- c" Q 5. He wouldn't let me borrow his clothes., s$ i& ~8 N0 m( g
他不愿我借他的衣服。 m) o& w. m' o { W" r
6. Can I borrow your umbrella?
& S" x: s% y; h/ L! E9 y1 p 借你的伞用一下行吗?4 x+ I: l! t! ^- {" b
7. Of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.
0 v% L. l6 {5 E' |5 y- P$ S) K f9 t 当然,常常向人借钱他自己也会惭愧的.
; F) P! ~$ D- {+ N: k q+ \, ^7 [: ] 8. Is it okay with you if I borrow this book?" q+ Z% a, V* z+ e
我借这本书你不在意吧?4 m. U' y' m7 q$ N$ o5 I% q
9. You can borrow my exam notes, such as they are.& v5 }+ \# |" m4 p# z) Q ?
你可以借我的考试笔记去看, 虽然它们做得不是很好.
8 _$ o) p4 K# |$ x+ e+ N6 f 10. The axe go to the wood where it borrow its helve.
2 u( i) U# y* i; n$ T4 H4 C 斧头伐木不畏缩,尽管斧柄木头做.
/ C' c7 ?* G/ {$ C 11. We can not borrow money during the present credIt'squeeze.9 ~7 e# h3 c% b/ m# S9 V9 H
在银根紧的时候,我们借不出钱来.! ?) V" i+ ^7 R+ Y5 Y, j v8 y: O* U
12. She permitted me to borrow the book.
, }/ z0 I9 I4 w7 \; A% H/ o 她允许我借那本书.' Y4 ~! S* `2 c5 o$ y# M
13. Can I borrow a pencil? — Yes, help yourself./ v# L# z- ^# V5 s
我能借用一支铅笔 吗 ?——可以, 自己拿吧.; M9 X) J- W- [+ C W
14. She used to borrow money from her friends., M7 V' R& \( w0 o! \+ h9 d
她常向她的朋友们借钱.$ g" [2 Y! |3 V; v6 z1 ?
15. Can I borrow two books at a time?( ?2 B/ q( T/ ^+ O
我可以一次借两本书 吗 ?. I* _/ j' h6 a$ I! `2 _
% O8 z# v9 k% r' \