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[英文] 英文小诗赏析:A Prayer on Going into My House [複製鏈接]

英文小诗赏析:A Prayer on Going into My House. o" S3 f/ R) {( U3 y1 b2 f
6 w* p2 @# \* q+ v
  God grant a blessing on this tower and cottage) k5 ?2 D' P" y+ w1 ?
  And on my heirs, if all remain unspoiled,
3 \3 L, g$ R# C% E: X0 V  No table or chair or stool not simple enough6 a! w5 T. P6 R: M
  For shepherd lads in Galilee; and grant
6 |" H4 h+ I( S9 \, _  That I myself for portions of the year8 ^! e1 G  Y5 p6 G& K* y
  May handle nothing and set eyes on nothing( X4 A- Q7 B) h$ e) r
  But what the great and passionate have used- L* g+ a* e" F8 G
  Throughout so many varying centuries
7 g. c/ u5 M" M4 t( P! E+ a  We take it for the norm; yet should I dream1 y; _" X: N+ I- Q: f: _+ C8 W
  Sinbad the sailor‘s brought a painted chest,- u# E1 ^# |$ a3 g& F  u2 S
  Or image, from beyond the Loadstone Mountain,
. W+ V5 M) O  X* L2 N( ^  That dream is a norm; and should some limb of the devil( Q: _6 f' y5 G* |# H9 m9 h& }: L
  Destroy the view by cutting down an ash
# v. M3 B- J3 Z1 z. {  That shades the road, or setting up a cottage5 N# y* _; \+ t" E+ [; X! C* e9 f
  Planned in a government office, shorten his life,
& p/ V2 T, ^/ W& W9 d  Manacle his soul upon the Red Sea bottom.
* F  R  ~$ V5 \- Z) V' q5 t
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